Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good-Bye Thanksgiving!

We got an entire week off for Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed almost every minute of it. I did have quite a bit of grading to do, but I got a lot of it over with early in the week. What a typical whiney thing for a teacher to mention! In between cooking, baking, and reading, I, of course, knit. I had some beautiful wool from Maine that a friend bought for me last summer, and I've been looking for the perfect pattern to knit it into since it was very special. I decided to knit the Cherry Leaf Scarf, which I found on Ravelry. It was such a nice pattern to sit and knit while watching movies or just listening to NPR.

I wore it to church this morning and felt somewhat lovely, even though I feel like scarves kind of accentuate my chubbiness, which is not something I'm very happy about currently. It kind of hid my double-chin though, so that was nice. What would be even better would be to get rid of my double-chin, so I'm heading down to the workout room with Paige and Kai to try to "skinni-fy" myself for the umpteenth time in my life.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Caroline-
I am happy to admit, that you, my dear, are not as chubby as you think. You are just full of love and life :) And stuffing yourself during the holiday season is just part of the experience.

We love you!
Jordiie & Emmanuel

Joansie said...

I love the previous comment :>).

The scarf is lovely and so are you.

labatterie said...
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Tracy Batchelder said...

Lovely scarf. And it looks great on you!

Anonymous said...

The scarf is lovely! I know what you mean about the chubbiness and the double chin - I am battling both as well!! I crawl out of bed at 6.30 Monday to Friday to use my cross (elliptical) trainer and rowing machine - but it's not working. This weather doesn't help - I just wan't to sit and eat comfort food!

Ally Jay said...

You look fab, the colour of the scarf suits you so well, and I hardly think you can call yourself chubby.

Thimbleanna said...

You're so funny. Get in the umpteenth line -- I'm right in front of you (you know, being older and all LOL) Can you believe how fast last week disappeared? I had all week off too, and I don't even remember most of it! Beautiful scarf!

Julie said...

Love that scarf. You, my dear, look fabulous. Seriously. What movies did you watch over your break? What do you plan to do when you're off for Christmas?