Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tiny Knitting

Whenever Paige is supposed to be working on AP Biology or Math Analysis homework (new name for Trigonometry and Calculus combined), she'll often tell me that she thinks she has A.D.D. I'm not the person for her to say that to because I think that A.D.D. is basicially a term made up by American doctors so that they can pump more drugs into our kids. I know that there are kids who have a hard time concentrating, but the answer is usually that they need more exercise, a more whoesome diet, and fewer distractions from things like computers. Paige wouldn't be distracted if she didn't have Facebook or My Space open behind the screen that she's supposedly doing homework on. Just like I would have her sweater done weeks ago if I didn't have the urge to check out my friends' blogs all of the time instead of knitting. This morning I found this video on One Day at a Time, a blog that I'd never visited before but was on Wool Winder's links. My kids never read Coraline, and are kind of old for the movie, but I think I might go, just for the knitting.


Willow said...

I had seen that clip when a friend sent it to me. Every time I watch it I marvel. She must use a good magnifiying glass.

Tracy said...

OMG!! That is incredible...I've read a good bit about this "miniature" knitting...but to see it happening is quite something. I love knitting, but I could not knit with needles the width of toothpicks--LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Julie said...

You should see Coraline, for sure. My 17 year old son loved it so much he wanted to go back and see it again. Perhaps Paige isn't ADD, but her response to Facebook or MySpace is more Pavlovian in nature. I know the "DING" of new email coming into my in-box causes me to stop whatever I'm doing and look in there. Bad, bad habits.

Thimbleanna said...

I saw this somewhere (can't remember the blog haha) -- how amazing!!! I don't know anything about the story, but just to see the knitting would be enough for me!

Rani said...

That was so cool! Thanks for sharing.

BTW I am with you on the ADD thing. I have two kids who have been pegged and we have just kept working with them (and their teachers) - I like to refer to them as active learners. The older has matured and is happy and doing very well with his school work. It's just a type of personality and we have to learn to work WITH THEM and not just turn to a medicine. Look at all the adults around us who have undiagnosed "ADD" and they turned out great! (my husband)

Sorry for the rant . . .

TheBlackSheep said...

I've been trying to remember for days to watch that video and kept forgetting. It's terribly funny, especially considering my Danes would give me the "are you serious and if you really want to then do it yourself kthnxbai" look.

I'm undecided if the woman knitting miniatures is a genius, insane or an insane genius. They're marvellous at any rate. Thanks for sharing!