Thursday, August 17, 2006

We Have Linkage!

Wow! My questions for "Booking through Thursday" were chosen for this week. That's my second link I think. I am ridiculously excited about that. Since I only knit from about 6:30 this morning until 7:00, I don't have much to say about that, so I think that I'll answer my own questions.

Booking Through Thursday

This week's questions were inspired by Caroline. She can't read The Joy Luck Club without thinking of potstickers and wontons... And no, we're not talking about cookbooks here. Please leave those out of this discussion. ;-)

  1. Do you enjoy books that have cooking or eating scenes in them? obviously, I do:) I'm even writing my master's thesis about it. I think that it's interesting that ethnic literature seems more likely to have food scenes that have layers of meaning. In one of the books I am using in my thesis, Pears on the a Willow Tree, the protagonists rejects her Polish ancestry by "refusing" to learn to make pierogi. It's only after her mother dies, and she makes peace with her past that she is able to try to make some traditional Polish foods.

    I also remember some of the images of Czech cooking in My Antonia were particularly wonderful. I love the Midwest and the whole pioneer thing, and My Antonia shows how important it was for immigrants to hold on to food traditions to maintain some of their culture.

  2. Have you made or eaten anything that was inspired by a recipe or scene in a non-cooking book? Reply here
  3. It's one of my family's favorite things to do. I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't been as good about it. The last time we made something inspired from a book was when my son was reading the Series of Unfortunate Events Series. The children prepare pasta puttanesca. It was great, even though the fact that it had anchovies in it was a bit frightening. You couldn't really taste them. They just seemed to add salt to the sauce which is tomato based.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I'm so glad to read other blogs talking about all three of my loves: books, food, and fiber!

And look who is ACTUALLY the English major! (You asked on my blog if I was. I was a history major, then went on to get a PhD in history. So technically no--but I am certainly a lit nerd. And being called an English major is certainly a compliment!