Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Confession is Good for the Soul

   I have a confession to make. It's not too personal since it's about my knitting life, not that I would have anything too shocking to confess about my "regular" life either, except that I never fold my underwear and sometimes leave my clothes on the bathroom floor. I am a lazy and often a messy kntter. There I've said it. I always knit continental style, which seems the only logical way to knit, to me, BUT sometimes I just hold the yarn between my thumb and forefinger when I purl. I started doing this when I first learned to knit twenty-five years ago, and when I'm kind of tired I still do this. It seems like cheating and you pick up no momentum when you do it, but it's so easy to do.    I am also the messiest intarsia knitter who was ever born. I know how to put the yarn carefully on bobbins; I just don't do it. I think I like the challenge of seeing if I can make it through the jumble of yarn that I alway create without having the cut strands in order to continue. My sweater for my little neice, Quenby, is an exampe of my "messitude." I should probaby unravel it because the little flower is off center, but inspite of the scary "yarn mass," I am happy with my knitting itself. The stitches seem nice and even which doesn't always happen with fine-gauge cotton yarn in my experience.


Baycolonyfarm said...

Wow! You sound like me! I'm a messy knitter (and person) too. ;-)

Onkel Stan said...

Quimby is a funny name for a girl. Are you sure it isn't something more like Quenby, that's more girly. I think Quimby sounds like a gruff ol' sea captain that hunts Sharks.

BTW...What did the dog say when he sat on Sandpaper?

Onkel Stan said...

Dont forget to visit that really great blog...